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Explore Our Services

Web Development - SEO & PPC - Investor Relations - Consultancy

Corporates Online web design and development services
Web Development
corporates online SEO and PPC services
corporates online investor relations website services
Investor Relations
Corporates Online IT Consultancy services


Corporates Online was established in 2006 to meet the website and IT needs of small and medium sized companies.

We offer a personal approach, understanding your business drivers and objectives and your challenges and opportunities – and providing solutions that will meet your business needs today and in the future.

Corporates Online services include Web design and development, content management, SEO (search engine optimisation) and PPC (pay per click).

We also specialise in the development and management of IR websites for companies listed on Main Market, AIM and AQSE exchanges.


Jane Manfield - Director at Corporates Online Limited

Jane has over 30 years experience in the Information Technology and Business Management field. Prior to founding Corporates Online, Jane worked on a freelance basis, leading and managing major projects for a wide range of organisations in retail, banking and professional services.

Jane has a technical background in software design and development, coupled with many years experience in business strategy and requirements specification.

In 2006, Jane changed direction to focus on internet and website services. Since then Corporates Online, led by Jane, has developed and provided a range of  website, e-marketing and Investor Relations services for privately owned and Main Market, AIM and AQSE listed SMEs.

View Jane Manfield MBCS CITP's LinkedIn profileView Jane Manfield MBCS CITP’s profile

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